Water purification industry information

Why is the water in the water purifier better than mineral water?

Views : 50796
Update time : 2021-11-20 16:50:32
Recently, the "a little sweet" XX mountain spring has aroused heated discussion, and the related topic "Unopened XX mountain spring is now a large number of maggots#" has also rushed into the hot search list of Weibo.

Now that water pollution is getting worse, there are still some people drinking mountain spring water that they think is “clean”, but most households are beginning to pay attention to water health issues and realize that installing a better water purifier is very useful. Necessary, worry-free drinking healthy water.
In fact, the mountain spring water is not as clear as before. For economic development, the country has more mines, more pharmaceutical factories, more fur markets, more paper mills, more metal smelting, more domestic pollution, and more pesticides. The current mountain spring water is no longer what it used to be. NS.

Once again, bottled water and bottled water are more problematic. The quality problems of bottled water and bottled water have always existed, and problems such as excessive microbial indicators and excessive bromate levels are common. Black heart water and black heart buckets are also everywhere, and "secondary pollution" is even more unavoidable.

The last thing to drink boiled tap water is to affect your health. First, although tap water can be boiled to eliminate some bacteria, the residual chlorine in the tap water reacts with the humin in the water to form chloroform, which is the world's number one carcinogen. Not only does it not decrease after the tap water is boiled. On the contrary, it has increased by 3-4 times; secondly, the dead bacteria remain in the water and become a hidden danger to the human body.

In summary, the only solution to the safety of drinking water and domestic water is pure drinking water.
With the improvement of living standards and the maturity of water purification technology, the application of whole-house water purification system devices provides a safe guarantee for people's water and drinking water health. People are more pursuing the quality of life and health and safety, and the purified water quality is fresh. Health and safety.

1. It has the effect of sterilization and dechlorination

As the environment continues to deteriorate, people’s requirements for material life continue to increase, and people’s demand for water purifiers is also increasing. Obviously most families need water purifiers to function, and the most important role of water purifiers is To improve the water quality, let people directly drink healthier, sanitary and safe drinking water. After the water purifier is installed, the water quality will change greatly, because the water purifier makes the water cleaner and healthier.

2. Reduce the intake of heavy metals

In fact, even if the water is boiled, the harmful substances in the water cannot be removed. After the water is boiled, simple disinfection is enough. Because the chloride is in the water and the heavy metals will not be reduced, the water purifier will further process it because it has reached a high temperature boiling. , It only has the conditions to kill bacteria in the water and drink it directly, but the harmful substances such as heavy metals in the water cannot be removed. This problem does not exist when using a household water purifier.

3, the choice of different product types

The household water purifier filters the original water layer, and the purified water can be used with confidence, effectively removing harmful substances in the water. Installing a household water purifier in the home is equivalent to having a small mouthful of tap water at home, so there is no need to worry about secondary pollution in the process of tap water transportation. , Household water purifiers are pure and easy to use. People at home can drink healthy water at any time. It is safer than bulk water and mineral water. Care for life and health should start with drinking water.

4, improve the effect of healthy drinking water

With the emergence of tap water, mineral water, and water purifiers, human drinking water environment has been improved to a certain extent, but the secondary pollution of pipelines is helpless. More and more families install and use water purifiers. Today's water purifiers can effectively remove harmful substances, and the effluent tastes good and can be consumed directly, making it the most ideal drinking water treatment solution for families.
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