Water purification industry information

China's water purifier OEM/ODM industry is recognized as the best 3 water purifier manufacturers

Views : 58692
Update time : 2022-01-25 18:11:19
There are more than 5,000 water purifier brands on the market in China, but there are only a few hundred water purifier manufacturers with R&D strength and production capacity, and only a few of these hundreds have obtained production licenses and have production scale. Therefore, most water purifier brands choose other water purifier manufacturers for OEM production. Therefore, the water purifier market seems to be fiercely competitive, but in fact it is only a competition between several water purifier manufacturers that really have core technologies. .

Professional water purifier OEM manufacturers ranked first: AICKSN
If you want to talk about the ranking of water purifier manufacturers, the first place is none other than AICKSN. AICKSN is an OEM/ODM manufacturer specializing in the research and development, production, sales and service of high-end water purifiers. It has its own brand and is the first water purifier manufacturer in China to obtain the production license certification of the Ministry of Health and the national water wading license. Since its establishment in 2008, AICKSN has invested and built an independent workshop of 2,000 square meters, 6 independent automatic production lines, multiple dust-free production workshops, multiple domestic and foreign advanced production testing equipment and warehouses in line with international standards in Xiamen. Sterilization, automation, standardization, and refined management are the largest water purifier manufacturers in China. It has successively served major domestic and foreign customers such as Vanke, Whirlpool, BJ/JK and other Fortune 500 companies, and its products are exported to more than 60 countries.

The production equipment dares to be the first, and the research and development technology does not fall behind. AICKSN is proficient in water purification technology, circulating water production technology, TDS monitoring technology, microcomputer control technology, mobile APP control technology, aseptic filling technology, leak-proof protection technology, membrane protection technology, high polymerization technology, intelligent reverse osmosis technology, energy saving The world's most advanced water purification technology such as dual water outlet technology, non-electric pump technology, taste adjustment technology, and antibacterial MTF technology.

In addition, after 14 years of trial and error, the third generation of "AICKSN" intelligent water purifier came into being. This is a water purifier developed on the basis of RO water purifier and ultrafiltration water purifier, according to the optimal dynamic golden balance ratio of potassium, calcium, magnesium and other minerals in the human body at different ages and genders. It retains the mineral advantages of the ultrafiltration water purifier, and retains the advantages of the RO water purifier to effectively remove bacteria, heavy metals, antibiotics, etc. It also supplements and adjusts the content and proportion of key minerals for different physiological needs, opening up drinking water. new revolution. Technology leads the development, and AICKSN is always the first.

Professional water purifier manufacturers ranked second: Angel
Angel is the earliest manufacturer of drinking water equipment research, development, manufacturing and sales in China. It was first engaged in the water purifier industry. After several years of losses, it turned to the water dispenser industry. After more than ten years of development, it is in the drinking water industry. The machine industry took the lead, created a huge water dispenser market, and became the king of water dispensers.

It is also the foundation laid by the Angel water dispenser industry. The subsequent expansion of the water purifier industry has certain advantages over other water purifier manufacturers. After entering the water purifier industry, Angel water purifier manufacturers continue to surpass themselves and innovate, creating the own brand of water purifier. Angel has always been a trusted brand, but in recent years, many people have taken advantage of Angel's gaps, making it difficult for people to distinguish the true and false Angel brand. Angel is also facing a crisis of trust and has become a declining water purifier brand. It wants to break out again. It seems difficult.

Professional water purifier manufacturers ranked third: Litree

Litree is a high-tech water purifier manufacturer focusing on the development of ultrafiltration membrane technology, ultrafiltration water purification equipment production and promotion services. Litree has the largest ultrafiltration membrane production base in Hainan, and is one of the few water purifier manufacturers in the world that can independently develop high-performance ultrafiltration membranes. It is also widely used in domestic water treatment and industrial water treatment.

Under the leadership of Mr. Chen Lianggang, the founder of Litree, Litree focuses on the research and development of ultrafiltration technology. The ultrafiltration membrane produced by Litree not only reduces the production cost and operating energy consumption, but also improves the filtration performance and service life. It has to be said that, Litree is the leader in ultrafiltration water purifiers, and no one can match it. Litree's ultrafiltration membrane can efficiently treat all kinds of sewage, so it is mainly used for municipal water supply treatment, and it is for this reason that Litree has undertaken the construction and maintenance of direct drinking water facilities for the Shanghai World Expo. This is the advantage of Litree, and it is also the reaction of Litree's shortcomings. Because its ultrafiltration technology is too prominent, it is mainly engaged in large-scale industrial water treatment, and reverse osmosis technology has not received much attention. Therefore, reverse osmosis water purifiers Litree has not been well developed.

In addition to the above, there are some big brands that are also good, such as Midea, Haier and other big brands, but they are not professional water purifier manufacturers, and the professional water purification technology is not in place, and the manufacturer was established relatively late, and the established water purifier manufacturers The scale is not enough, so it is not on the list.
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